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Maui-Jim Request Form

Maui Jim sunglasses allow you to see colours in ways you have never seen before. Thanks to their patented PolarizedPlus2 technology. Their unique formula of digital polarisation enhances colour in bright conditions, leaving you with a crisper and more vibrant visual world.


Fill out the form and we will get back to you on your request right away!

We are the pioneer opticians in Karnataka with roots dating back to the 19th century. Quality products, precision in dispensing and service is our main focus. Visit us to understand our processes and the care that goes into dispensing each item. Every eye piece in our store is important and so is every customer. A heritage, luxury brand, with 3 boutique stores located at the heart of Bangalore city, a home brand called getspexy and an online shop :


Fill out the form and we will get back to you on your request right away!

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